To discover the answers, kindly select the question provided below. Our compilation features several commonly asked questions from our clients, along with additional information you may find valuable.

Based on our frequently asked questions

Click on the question below, and the answer will appear. 

What is the estimated time frame for my company to appear in the Google and Bing auto-complete?

To be included in the auto-complete, it’s essential to establish authority for the relevant keyword phrase. The duration required may vary based on the keyword phrase’s competitiveness. However, expect to see the keyword phrases appearing in Bing within 30-40 days and in Google after 90+ days.

Can this result in a boost to my business?

According to Google, 71% of all users interact with the auto-complete feature. Additionally, more than 91% of users view the auto-complete, but only 71% of them use it. When users search for your product or service and find your business suggested in the auto-complete, it typically enhances their trust in your brand. Moreover, when users click on your business in the auto-complete, all organic listings will showcase your business instead of your competitors. As a result, our clients have reported an increase in business.

Apart from featuring in the auto-complete, does Autocomplete-Optimization offer any other online benefits for my business?

Yes, we do.  Your business can appear in every organic listing on the first page of Google and Bing.  Autocomplete-Optimization will also enhance your overall online presence and authority for each search engine. Autocomplete-Optimization will give your business consistency in results and monthly costs.  For more details, please view the video on our Home Page and our Advantages page. Or, contact us today!

Can Autocomplete-Optimization generate solid leads for my business?
Certainly! Users utilize search engines such as Google and Bing when they require or desire something. During the initial search, they become a potential customer. However, once they click on your business listing, they become a qualified lead.

We bring you leads from Yelp, BBB, YouTube, blogs, press releases, aggregate sites like YP.com, DexKnows, Merchant Circle and others. Because Autocomplete-Optimization brings all of this content to the first page of Bing, Google, and soon Yahoo, users will find your website pages, too.
Does Total Autocomplete-Optimization monitor outcomes?

Yes, we do. While we cannot monitor your phone calls or in-person visits, we can and do track the rise in traffic to your website.

Total Autocomplete-Optimization offers frequent reports illustrating the extra traffic we generate for your business, regardless of the source. Our flagship product, Autocomplete-Optimization, is at the forefront of online search technology and can provide your business with the competitive edge it deserves.

Does Autocomplete-Optimization function like my current SEO strategy?

No, Autocomplete-Optimization offers more to your business. It provides additional online visibility and exposure, multiple first-page listings on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, increased click-throughs to your website, and ultimately more revenue. For a more detailed comparison between Autocomplete-Optimization and SEO, click here.

In summary, would you prefer to appear only once or ten times on the first page of a search engine? Autocomplete-Optimization can help your business secure ten first-page listings.

Do you provide SEO services in addition to Autocomplete-Optimization?

Yes. To feature your keyword phrases as suggestions in the auto-complete box, we must establish authority. To achieve this, we will create YouTube videos, press releases and/or blogs, post to directory listings and social media. This work will benefit your overall organic rankings, but we specifically do this to encourage Google and Bing to include your business as a suggested option in the auto-complete. To compare Total Autocomplete-Optimization with standard SEO and pay-per-click, click here.

Your outcomes are impressive. Do you employ any black or gray hat techniques to achieve these results?
Absolutely not! We only use white-hat techniques which will reward your website and show incredible results.
Will I have exclusive use of the keyword phrase, or will you sell the same keyword to my competitors?
Once a keyword phrase is sold, it becomes unavailable for other clients. To check if your desired keyword phrase is still available, simply enter it into Google or Bing and see if any company name appears in the suggestion box after the phrase. If there is a company name, the keyword phrase is already taken. If not, the keyword phrase is likely still available. However, there may be cases where the keyword phrase has been purchased but not yet displayed in the auto-complete. Contact us now to start advancing your business.
Can I expect any additional charges?
Our Autocomplete-Optimization program does not entail any additional fees apart from the monthly charges. We do not have any undisclosed expenses, and the monthly cost is final once you place your order.
What is a local keyword phrase?
We offer keyword phrases for both local and national businesses. Local keyword phrases are those that include a location designation, such as “garage door repair Los Angeles,” while national keyword phrases do not have a location designation, like “garage door repair.” National keyword phrases are ideal for franchises and businesses that cater to customers nationwide, whereas local keywords drive traffic to the local business. To request a proposal for your business, click here for local programs and here for national programs.
What is the cost for a national based keyword phrase?
National keyword phrases receive a high volume of monthly searches, sometimes in the thousands or even tens of thousands. For example, a national mortgage bank may want to purchase a keyword phrase like “home loans” and other related searches to attract inquiries from every state.
The price for national keyword phrases is determined by their level of competitiveness. The amount of work required to obtain a national keyword phrase depends on several factors, so we price each one individually.